Ernst A. Bender
Patent Attorney
Bahnhofstraβe 29
88400 Biberach
Telephone: 07351 6077
The VAT identification number is: DE 182908887
Accreditation and professional regulations
As a patent attorney, Ernst A. Bender is a member of the Patentanwaltskammer (Chamber of Patent Attorneys) as the responsible accreditation and supervisory authority. The statutory professional title of “Patent Attorney” (Patentanwalt) has been bestowed in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Ernst A. Bender is subject to the following professional regulations:
The German Patent Attorneys’ Code (Patentanwaltsordnung – PAO), the German Professional Code for Patent Attorneys (Berufsordnung für Patentanwälte – BOPA), the Code of Professional Conduct of the FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle) and the Code of Professional Conduct of the epi.
The sources of the corresponding regulations can be found on the homepage of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys (PAK):
There is no obligation or wish to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation service pursuant to Section 36 of the German Consumer Disputes Resolution Act (VSB). The requirement for a communication to be made to the management board of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys pursuant to Section 69(2) of the German Patent Attorneys’ Code (PAO) upon a request to that effect as well as the authorisation to submit settlement proposals in the event of disputes between members of the Chamber shall not be affected by this.
Copyright & Disclaimer
The information given on this website is provided for general information purposes. It does not constitute legal advice given by the Ernst A. Bender Patent Attorney’s Office. The Ernst A. Bender Patent Attorney’s Office assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided or for losses which arise as a consequence of the use of the website and its links or which are based on reliance on the content of the website and its links.
The content of this website is protected by copyright. All rights over the content of this website are owned by Ernst A. Bender.
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